"Empowering Young Minds... Strengthening Families"
Language Arts, including Phonics, English, Spelling and
Reading using the A Beka Publications: Building on the
foundation introduced to students at the kindergarten level,
students continue to learn the phonograms that make up the
English language by listening to them, speaking them and
writing them in manuscript print. Once students begin to
master the initial phonograms, they are introduced to
spelling and creative writing. This strong foundation builds
student confidence in their language skills and encourages
them to be life-long readers. To compliment the Language
Arts program, students use level appropriate books, ABC
Mouse, Starfall and other independent reading using
classroom-library books and reading to students from
classic children’s literature are an essential part of the
The students also have opportunities to develop creative
thinking and problem solving skills as they use
manipulatives to understand math concepts, develop science
experiments, or recreate a period of our country’s history. A
Christian worldview is integrated throughout all areas of the
Kindergarten program, allowing the students to see the
touch of His hand in all of creation..